Agastache foeniculum Certified Organic ‘Anise hyssop’ (Agastache foeniculum) is both a gorgeous, upright perennial and a delicious herb for teas, baking, or enjoying its fragrant anise-like aroma while reading a good book in the garden. Its foliage bears erect pink flowers that attract pollinators like no other, especially bees making, Anise Hyssop one of the most useful plants of the garden! A great choice for borders, flower gardens, cottage gardens and perennial herb gardens, it will draw in hummingbirds as well. A hardy perennial that self-sows and comes back year after year. Each year, the Hudson Valley Seed Company commissions contemporary artists from around the U.S. to tell the story of a particular seed variety, a unique way to celebrate seeds' diverse stories before you enjoy the harvest! · Art Pack, 200 certified organic seeds · Start indoors 8 to 12 weeks before l"> ANISE HYSSOP -