Eruca sativa Certified Organic Arugula (Eruca sativa) is loved by many, hated by many. Arugula’s reputation changed over the centuries. It was a Roman staple, then banned by the Catholic Church because it was reputed to be an aphrodisiac. In contemporary times, it has been portrayed as a yuppie food. The facts are that it germinates easily and can start to be harvested in one month! A potent flavor for sure but it will sure make your salad exciting! Each year, the Hudson Valley Seed Company commissions contemporary artists from around the U.S. to tell the story of a particular seed variety, a unique way to celebrate seeds' diverse stories before you enjoy the harvest! · Art Pack, 500 certified organic seeds · Direct sow as soon as soil can be worked. · Full to little sun · 12 to 24 inches at maturity Your purchase is powerful. Not only does it help to sustain local art"> ARUGULA -