Melothria scabra
Certified Organic
When a vegetable is as adorable as Mexican Sour Gherkins (Melothria scabra), cute nicknames pop up as plentifully as fruits on a vine. Also called Cucamelon and Sanditas (Spanish for little watermelon), Gherkins are most charmingly known as Mouse Melons. Neither a cucumber nor a melon, Mouse Melons are in a league and a genus of their own.
Each year, the Hudson Valley Seed Company commissions contemporary artists from around the U.S. to tell the story of a particular seed variety, a unique way to celebrate seeds' diverse stories before you enjoy the harvest! Nozaki Chinese cabbage is a quick-heading Chinese cabbage perfect for the fall garden!
· Art Pack, 50 certified organic seeds
· Direct sow after frost or start under protection up to 3 weeks before last frost
· Partial to full sun
· 18 inches at maturity
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