Brassica rapa Certified Organic Nozaki (Brassica rapa) is a hard-to-find open-pollinated variety that grows quickly into small heads with frilly outer leaves. While the cabbage heads themselves are excellent storage crops, they are also the main ingredient in one of the world's most beloved fermented foods: Kimchi! Made by salting Chinese cabbage until it wilts, then fermenting for a few weeks with ginger, scallions, garlic, and hot peppers, Kimchi lasts for months in the refrigerator and enlivens any winter dish. Pick up Curry and Kimchi by Unmi Akin and by Roger Taylor and spend the winter experimenting in your kitchen! Each year, the Hudson Valley Seed Company commissions contemporary artists from around the U.S. to tell the story of a particular seed variety, a unique way to celebrate seeds' diverse stories before you enjoy the harvest! Nozaki Chinese cabbage"> NOZAKI CHINESE CABBAGE -