Cucumis sativus
Certified Organic
"Seashell Cosmos" Cucumis sativus big, lofty plants sway to and fro in the summer breezes like waves. The flowers are held aloft, each coiled, tubular petal like a small, colorful shell. Petals in shades of pink, cream, and white curl into a sea-shell shaped tubes. Grows very bushy and tall; perfect in corners or middle placement in gardens.
Each year, the Hudson Valley Seed Company commissions contemporary artists from around the U.S. to tell the story of a particular seed variety, a unique way to celebrate seeds' diverse stories before you enjoy the harvest!
· Art Pack, 75 certified organic seeds
· Direct sow after last frost.
· Full sun
· 40 to 60 inches tall at maturiy
Your purchase is powerful. Not only does it help to sustain local artisans and preserve traditional arts and crafts, but it directly supports horticulture, research, and educ">